
Interview With EGEMONY ( Italy )

Update 29-03-2009 Interview By Herry SIC

EGEMONY is born from the ashes of ANAL PROLAPSE. It's a BrutalDeath Metal One-Man-Band started in the last months of 2007 by the will of Alessandro "Fetz" Simonetti who is the man behind all the guitar riffs, all the vocals lines and all the drum-programming. In the Beginning of the 2008 has been released the self-produced OMEGA DEMO recorded entirely by Alessandro. in October 2008 EGEMONY takes part in a 3 way split released by SEVARED RECORDS that also includes FLESH IMPALED from Northern Ireland and INFINITE DEFILEMENT from Australia. Actually Fetz Is working on his full lenght that is going to be released in November 2008 by NICE TO EAT YOU RECORDS and distribuited also by SEVARED RECORDS. The Full will be entitled "Baptysm Of The Unborm" and it will contain more than half an hour of blasting BrutalDeath metal with lethal mid tempos and raging blasts!

Answered By Alessandro "Fetz" Simonetti ( All Instrument )

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the EGEMONY camp?
- ( ??? Ed )

Alessandro, are you keep still enjoy with solo Project with EGEMONY, are not plans for Complete Gigz Formation now ??
Well, I really would like to complete the line up of the band, but unfortunately here in my city there are no good musicians to play with, so I have to play alone. Anyway, I will be extremely happy if I will find a drummer and other members!

Are you keep playing for band Anal Prolapse ??
Anal prolapse was a “Funny” project, we released only a “full length” called “listen before flushing” and the title say everything we have to speak about! Haha. Actually anal prolapse is a dead project, but I’m working with friends and we’re releasing a brand new band called Paleon, based on the Dinosaurs concept hahaha.

First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Baptism Of The Unborn ", and what is the band doing now? How you meet with Nice to Eat You, are you satisfy with their work and are you fun with The result Review this CD ??
The reviews are going good, and of course I’m satisfied of the album. Nice to eat you rec had offered me to release this cd after I sent to Vladimir the tracks of the “one man 3 way split”; he said ha woul release my stuff and that whas the deal hehe

It seems like the debut new CD “ Baptism Of The Unborn ” on 2009 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
Well, I have not received a bad review till now, but, in truth, the worst review ever had was one of Metalcrypt or something like that about the “one man 3 ways split” out on sevared rec. : they said something like “this album is like a burp from the beginning to the end” hahah.

" Baptism Of The Unborn " is EGEMONY most dramatic and dynamically Brutal Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept ?
I just wanted to play us style brutal death metal, and so i tried to make my songs more complicated and heavy, in the album you can easily hear which are the songs I wrote first and which are the last ones. The last songs I’ve wrote, as said before, are more technical and structured, but the songs are never pure technical exercise. I hate bands who play only for showing their technical skills!

How Compared " Baptism Of The Unborn " with " One Man 3 Way Split 2008 " ?? On CD why you choose Cover song from " Abominated Hierarchy " by Septycal Gorge ?? are you Know well Them ??
There no way to compare the split with the album, the album is more ripe than the split, and it is also recorded in a better way. I chosed to cover a septycal gorge cover cause I wanted to make a tribute to the Italian death metal scene, and so I thought that a septycal gorge could express a good tribute. Septycal Gorge are also friend of mine, and I often speak with Diego (guitar), Mariano (vocals) and Clod (Bass), they are amazing persons and huge musicians!

I see on Track " Abominated Hierarchy (Septycal Gorge Cover) " and " Guttural Orgy ( Keepers of the "Uinity" ) " features guest vocals by Mariano from Septycal Gorge, Baffo from Clitoridus Invaginatus, Genobile from Tools Of Torture and Gaetano from Deadly Strain. this is awesome !!! How come Idea for it ??
This idea came to me in the same way the cover from septycal gorge did: make a tribute to the Italian scene. And trust me: in the next egemony release, there will be MORE guest singers. I would like to place more than 10 italian singer in a song!

Production-wise " Baptism Of The Unborn " is undoubtedly the most Usa sounding EGEMONY please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
Hahaha in truth I have never entered a real studio! All the album was entirely recorded in my bedroom with my amp and with my personal computer. I wanted to create a bass and heavy sound, and I fail my challenge, but I can anyway be satisfy with the sound.

Are you Keep using Software Product from Adobe Product For the best Result, how with Soundforge, Sonar and Maybe Cubase ?? or any some Recommend Good Software ?
I am using Windows Media audio, a damn freeware downloadable from interet, it is raw and simple as fuck , I ‘m not so much into technology.

Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
No, nothing special during the recordings, I have only imprecated against the trinity and stuff like that when I did some mistakes and stuff like that hehe

What would be the ultimate Brutal Death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-)
Disgorge (usa), Dying Fetus, Goratory, Severed Savior, Cannibal Corspe, Cattle Decapitation, Guttural Secrete, Inveracity, Origin, and Luciferion!

Any Future next Plan soon EGEMONY ??
I’m working on a 3 way promo to spread my new songs (still work in progress), and I hope to find with that promo a new label to release my next full!

Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thanks for the opportunity you gave me, and thanks to all my fans out there (3 or 4 people ehehe). Keep supporting this music, and keep grinding on!


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Interview With TOOLS OF TORTURE ( Italy )

Update 29-03-2009 Interview By Herry SIC

Tools Of Torture was born in late 2006 as a brutal/death band. The band is formed by Lord Destroyer (also in Bestial Devastation) at guitars, Tamoth (also in Putrid Carnage, Obscura Nox Hibernis) at drums, Impure at bass and Genobile (aka Animal in Bestial Devastation) at vocals. Tools Of Torture recorded a 5 tracks promo cd in spring 2007 at Alien Recording Studio and thank to this promo cd they get a deal with Despise The Sun Records for a debut album. In August 2008 the band recorded, again at Alien Recording Studio, "Faith - Purification - Execution", a 11 tracks' concept album about inquisition's tortures with a cover art by Phlegeton Studio (Avulsed, Katalepsy, Impure, Human Mincer and many more...). On February 2009 the debut album was finally out on Despise The Sun Records and now the band is going to promote it with a massive live activity in Italy and Europe.

Answered By Lord Destroyer - Guitars

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the TOOLS OF TORTURE ( TOT ) camp?
Hello! Well in ToT camp there are 4 ganja smokers/fernet drinkers that, in their free times, likes to make a bit of noise all together in a brutal/death vein. In particular, ToT is formed by me (Lord Destroyer) at guitars, Tamoth at drums, Genobile at vocals and Impure at bass.

hey, I See Tools Of Torture's logo by Mike Majewski from Devourment, are keep On Death Metal Logo Image ?
Cause I Know some band has lets Try to not use Logo
Uhm.. I think logos won't die, coz is something like a "trademark" for a band. I know that many bands could avoid to use logo as symbolic protest again the music biz and the system in general, but logo is not only something that help the people to recognize your band in order to sell them your stuff it's much more... and so because according to us the logo is much important, we asked Mike Majewski (one of the best in the scene) to make it for us and he did a great work. We love our logo, maybe is the best thing in Tools Of Torture ahahhaha!

First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Faith - Purification - Execution ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Job with your label Despise The Sun Records, that label doing some Great Job for TOT ?
Thanks so much bro, we're really happy that, after many delays that postponed its release from the last month of 2008 to February 2009, "Faith - Purification - Execution" is finally out. At the moment we're trying to promote it with small tour in Italy and Europe, according with our studies/job etc. In April we'll be at Moscow Death Fest and this will be a great chance to promote our shit.. About reactions, people liked it a lot and we are, of course, really really happy of this! Almost every day we receive comments/emails of congratulations from sickos of every country and it give us a great injection of trust in ourselves and in our label Despise The Sun Records, coz it means that we worked well in our debut album and also that our label is promoting it really good!

Despise The Sun Records has Familiar with brutal Band Insider, are you Know some Band from indonesia, ASPHYXIATE, has Re-released on This Label Roster ??
Sure that I know Asphyxiate bro and I know also that their new stuff is sick as fuck, really brutal and that it's released by Despise The Sun Recs. I have listened to only few songs but I'll buy their new album asap and listen it carefully coz I think it's truly a good release.

It seems like the debut new CD “ Faith - Purification - Execution ” on 2009 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
Well...about reviews, we're still waiting for many of them. Right now we received only 3 reviews and only one was with a negative rank (40/100), but even if all of them were bad (or, otherwise, all good) we don't care so much about reviews in general... yeah of course it's always a pleasure to read a magazine and find your album reviewed with a good rank, but we don't care at all if press write of us well or not.

" Faith - Purification - Execution " is TOT most dramatic and dynamically aggressive Brutal Blaster Death metal release thus far, concentrating heavily on creating memorable hooks within a very song-orientated framework. Can you tell me how you approached the song writing this time around and how this process different from your previous Music concept ?
Sure bro... for this release we would

How Compared " Faith - Purification - Execution " with " Promo Demo, 2007 " ?? are band Re-Recording that material ??
Yes, we re-recorded almost all our "Promo 2007" songs, apart of the cover song "Reduced To Ashes" of Deeds Of Flesh, but with a better sound and production and faster than in "Promo 2007". It gave them a new skin and a new, better, life, even if there were songs already "released" and on spreaded online. About other, brand new, songs, there were written after "Promo 2007" and we tried to put in them more technical elements and faster blastbeat, in order to make the final product heavier but also less "raw".

Good work Drumming with Tamoth for this band, Tamoth keep Total on Music for everyday, everytime ?? Tamoth still playing at band Putrid Carnage, Obscura Nox Hibernis, Valdes, Black Faith, & My Dark Sin ??
Tamoth plays only with us now, all his other projects are split up, so he can dedicate totally to Tools Of Torture. He did a great work on this album, also because we play together only one day at week (and not every week), when he come back from his job, so he play tired and a bit stressed but always do a great work and we're really grateful for his passion and dedication to the band!

Basing the lyrical concept of this album around the perverse yet Violent gore related to the acceptance of Gore saints, symbols and Sarcastic words into the Gore theme is something TOT have explored on and off on the Cover album " Faith - Purification - Execution ". From what angle have you approached this subject on "Faith - Purification - Execution "? are you very satisfy with work art by Phlegeton Studio ??
Yeah we’re really satisfied of the work done by Phlegeton Studio. The cover art show very well the concept under “Faith - Purification - Execution”: a portrait of what were the old tortures at the time of “Saint Inquisition”. We approached this theme with an “objective” view: I mean without expressing any judgement about it but only trying to explain the methods of torture and their effects on the poor victim. Our lyrics in general are empty of any social message, of any suggestion to help the people think about anything and “Faith - Purification - Execution” is also on this mainline. We like to think that everyone has enough brain to see how stupid was (and is still today) to torture and kill someone only because of some superstitious/religious beliefs.

Production-wise "Faith - Purification - Execution " is undoubtedly the most brutal-sounding TOT please to date yet still manages to harness a clarity that enables all the twin leads and intricacies to shine through in all their Raw Intense . What were your initial ideas of how you wanted this album to sound before you went into the studio ?
We wanted it a bit different, mainly on guitars sound… I little more “groovy” and “heavy”, in order to be more powerful in the slam and mid tempos patterns, but during the recordings we changed idea and choose to make the guitars’ sound like you can hear on the album, because it was a good compromise between heaviness and clarity.

Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen when during Records? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ and Guitar Duties placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
Uhm… maybe the most unusual thing was that Tamoth recorded “The Rack” at the first time: It was so good that we hold his first recordings, and it was a bit strange because usually drummers take a lot of time on their recording session ahahahah! About final mix, it was done all with our constant presence in studio, always near the sound engineer to stress him with our requests and questions eheheh.

All this time, you've been touring and sharing the stage with several great bands, too. Which bands did you like best touring with? Which of all your tours is the most unforgettable? Could you share to us some of your best and worst touring experiences?
We’ve not toured so much bro or, at least, not so much I’d like to, but next week we’ll start our first mini tour outside our country, to play at Moscow Death Fest. In this tour we’ll play with Rompeprop, Cerebral Bore, Neuropathia, Katalepsy plus many other good bands and we’re quite excited for that. In the past shows we shared the stage with bands like Putridity, Savage Annihilation, Hobnailed, Horrid, Vulvectomy, Onicectomy, Neuralgorge, CxOxSx and many others but always in Italy and so now we’re really excited to play in Finland and Russia. Of course we won’t stop there, we’ll try to tour also other European countries in future and, why not, if possible also outside Europe. About past tours, me and Genobile had the luck to tour almost all Europe with our past band Bestial Devastation and I think it was the best experience of our lives… absolutely awesome! I don’t know if next tours will have the same “flavour” of the first tour, but without doubts is always a funny, wonderful experience…

What would be the ultimate Brutal death metal package be for you to either be part of or to attend? The billing can have up to 10 bands :-)
Nice question bro… uhm… let me think… there are many good bands but maybe the best one, according to me, is : Disgorge (US) - Brodequin - Guttural Secrete - Gutrot - Stabwound - Degrade - Jasad - Devourment - Abominable Putridity - Stench Of Dismemberment, ... I don’t put Tools Of Torture coz we’re not worthy to be in it bro.

How are Death metal Movement on Chieti/Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy scene ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How are you with Bestial Devastation, The Drop of Water That Can Wear Through a Stone, Putrid Carnage, Obscura Nox Hibernis, Valdes, Black Faith, My Dark Sin, and More ?? are they keep staying exist now ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Chieti/Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy scene ??
The Death Metal Movement here in our hometowns is really a shit, but lucky in Italy is better. The death metal movement is growing up very good and I’m sure that many Italian bands will have great feedback from worldwide extreme metal sickos. Our band list is really long: Corpsefucking Art, Hour Of Penance, Septycal Gorge, Vomit The Soul, Egemony, Vulvectomy, Stench Of Dismemberment, Putridity, Exhumer, Imposer, Nefas, Smashhead, Onicectomy, Coprophiliac, Deadly Strain and many many other good bands… Unfortunatly the Italian audience is not as good as the Italian bands: extreme metal here is not so followed but metalkids and when look to other countries (Czech Rep, Germany, Austria, Scandinavia, US etc) we realize that, musically, we live in a country of shit, but we must be trustful and hopeful that things in future will go better. About our past bands (Bestial Devastation, Putrid Carnage, Valdes, Obscura Nox Hibernis) are all R.I.P.! At the moment me and Genobile, with the ex drummer of BD, are again together in a new grind band called Rabid Dogs and now we’re working on our first album. Apart of us and Tools Of Torture, in our homeland Abruzzo there are only other few bands that plays extreme music: Spermbloodshit, Bloodraised, Disforia, Mestruophagia and Cryptic Theory. The other bands plays mostly black metal and other, trendy, music…

simple Question with your Opinion :
- How fuckin Kickin Riffing : Diego Sanchez of Disgorge or Jeremy Of Origin sound or Jesse Pindato ( RIP ) of Terrorizer / Napalm Death / lock Up ?
Diego Sanchez of Disgorge
- How fuckin Intense drumming Skill and powerfully : Ricky Myers of Disgorge or John Longstreth ORIGIN ??
Again Disgorge, so... Ricky Myers eheheh!
- How fuckin Great Growling Vokill : Matti ways of Ex. Disgorge or Levi of Disgorge or Ruben of Devourment ??
again Disg... ahaha no this time i think the best is Ruben Rosas of Devourment!

Any Future next Plan soon TOT ??
Uhm... when we'll come back from our minitour in Finland and Russia, we'll start to work on new songs, but without forgetting to book gigs for all 2009. We would also tour Europe as soon as possible, but it's all to organize yet and we'll work on it only by May, so it could be done not before September/October 2009.

Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thank you so much bro for this interview! I enjoyed it a lot and I'll be happy to talk again with you in future!! I'm sure your webzine will have a long life man so... talk to you next time ;)! I would also salute all the Indonesian brutal/death sickos and bands, coz your country is one of the best for extreme bands and scene... keep on keepin' on guys!!! Stay brutal and check out our myspace when you have time:

Official Band

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Interview With JAGAL ( Surabaya, Indonesia )

Update 26-04-2009 Interview By Herry SIC

Band ini berdiri pada tahun 2005, dimana Endrow (Guitar), Roshid (Bass), Dedi (Drum), dan Holis (Guitar 2) memutuskan untuk meninggalkan FEAR INSIDE. Setelah itu mereka kembali membentuk band Death Metal yang diberi nama JAGAL dengan Bodas (DEVADATA) sebagai vokal. Pada Oktober 2006 mereka berhasil merekam 8 lagu dan melepaskan debut album mereka "MONSTER OF INSANITY" dibawah naungan No Label Records pada bulan Februari 2007. Dimana Steven (BRUTAL TORTURE) menjadi vokal untuk mengisi kekosongan mereka pada bagian vokal. Salah satu yang membuat mereka puas dengan pelepasan album pertama, pada bulan Maret 2007 mereka berhasil menemukan vokal tetap yaitu Nando (Ex-BOIKOT). Pertengahan bulan Januari 2008, Roshid mengundurkan diri dari posisi bass. Dan pada akhir Maret 2008 mereka berhasil menemukan pemain bass yaitu Alan (Ex-PULVERIZER). Pada tanggal 31 Juli 2008 mereka merekam 2 materi lagu baru di Primitif Studio. Dua lagu tersebut berjudul "Kronik Manipulasi" dan "Edukasi Sesat". Dan rencananya 2 lagu tersebut akan dijadikan sebuah EP yang di publikasikan oleh Henceforth Records. Dan EP ini akan dirilis pada bulan September 2008. Tangal 6 Maret 2009 Alan resmi mengundukan diri dari posisi bass. Dan ini merupakan pukulan yang berat bagi mereka. Dan setelah sekitar 2 minggu mereka melakukan audisi untuk mengisi kekosongan pada posisi bass, pada tanggal 22 Maret mereka berhasil menemukan pemain bass yaitu Didit (Ex-WAFAT). Dengan pergantian pemain, mereka berharap bisa melanjutkan target mereka tahun ini yaitu untuk membuat album ke 2.

Answered By Nando ( Vocals )
* Sorry, Personel Jagal pada Malu malu Buat di Photo he he he, jadi ga ada Photo band-nya disini Lho :)

Hello Apa Khabarnya dengan Kubu JAGAL Hari ini Boss ??
Makasih, kabar kita baik. Bagaimana dengan kabar kalian? Saya harap juga selalu baik disana. Buat bos Herry "Masih gemukan kan sekarang? Sudah lama sekali kita ngga ketemu.".

Pertama tama, kayaknya Gw masih penasaran aja dengan nama JAGAL, sebuah nama yang cukup " Gahar " dalam Imej Band Metal yang Brutal, kayaknya rada sesuai aja, en apa sebenernya Motivasi Utama dipilihnya nama JAGAL ini, apakah kalian semuanya ingin menjadi " Penjagal Metal ", yang siap menjagal abis band2 metal Rockstar yang udah mulai bikin kalian muak dengan gayanya itu ?? mungkin bisa ngasih sedikit Implementasi yang Asyik he he he
Terus terang ngga ada arti yang khusus kenapa band ini diberi nama JAGAL. Menurut cerita pengambilan nama JAGAL karena sebelumnya band ini merencanakan untuk mengulas hal-hal politik dalam bentuk lirik. Dimana kala itu politik negara kita benar-benar tidak stabil dan banyak penyelewengan (Walauapun sekarang masih juga). Maka dari itu kita menganggap bahwa politik merupakan "jagal" yang paling berbahaya. Hehehehehehe.

apa ga takut orang awam salah terka dengan nama JAGAL ?? ntar dikirain Tukang Jagal lagi he he
Hahahahahahaha..... klo masalah itu kita ngga pernah kwatir juga. Cuma sempet risih saat kasus Ryan sang "Penjagal" terkuak. Temen-temen atau orang lain banyak yang samain kita dengan dia. Tapi kita kadang-kadang juga jadi penjagal beneran. Penjagalan ayam goreng dan lain sebagainya. Ayam goreng dikasih sambal trasi plus selada air, pasti enak tenan. Hehehehehe. Pastinya kita enjoy aja dengan nama band ini.

Apa yang memutuskan Para members Pecahan band Death metal lama dari FEAR INSIDE untuk membentuk JAGAL ?? apakah band tersebut menurut kalian udah ga bisa kalian harapkan lagi untuk bikin sesuatu yang " memupuskan " semangat Death Metal Brutal kalian ?? ato awalnya cuman iseng2 berhadiah aja en akhirnya keterusan ??
Wah..... sulit juga untuk jawab pertanyaan ini. Yang pasti sebelumnya 4 orang (Endrow, Holis, Roshid, Dedi) udah memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri dari FEARINSIDE lalu membentuk JAGAL.

Trus mengapa Bodas DEVADATA memutuskan cabut dari JAGAL, apakah Bodas juga sempet terlibat dalam materi2 Album " Monster Of Insanity " ?? ato Mungkin kayaknya Steven BRUTAL TORTURE lebih pas aja Mengisi tempat Vocalis ??
Bodas membantu kita rata-rata waktu di atas panggung selain itu kami juga sempat pakai Umar. Sebenarnya Umar yang akan mengisi album pertama kita. Namun karena ada beberapa kendala, kita comot dech Steven untuk mengisi kekosongan pada vocal.

lalu alasan JAGAL lebih memilih bekerja sama dengan Boss gendut Fitrah No Label Records untuk menangani Album " Monster Of Insanity ", padahal Khan juga masih banyak label Metal Brutal yang lebih menjanjikan materi berdarah JAGAL ??
Saat itu kami udah getol-getol nya untuk bikin album pertama. Dan kebetulan pihak No Label udah kasih tawaran juga. Jadinya langsung kita terima tawaran dari dia.

Ok rasanya Kurang Afdol kalo elo ga cerita tentang Proses penggarapan Album " Monster Of Insanity ", apakah JAGAL sangat Puas dengan hasilnya ?? en apakah JAGAL disini menyerahkan sepenuhnya Proses rekaman ini dengan teknik manusiawi tanpa tersentuh teknologi Digital yang hari ini kian diminati banyak band demi kesempurnaan materi aja namun Orang Juga pada Bete dengan Metode seperti ini, yach mungkin Audience semakin Pintar serta merindukan Nuansa " Original " aja, lebih Ok katanya.
Penggarapan album pertama dalam proses recoding hanya menghabiskan 3 shift. Untuk hasil sebagaimana kita manusia pasti masih saja ada kekuarangan nya. Walaupun sebenarnya kita semua memang sangat kurang puas dengan album pertama kita. Terkesan buru-buru gitu. Iya lah.... sayang banget klo kita udah susah payah latihan bikin lagu, ujung-ujung nya take recoding nya pake digital equipment. Sama aja yang main mesin donk klo gitu. Hehehehehehe. Dari segi kepuasan pastinya juga beda.

Band ini kayaknya juga mengalami Fase Perkembangan yang Signifikan dengan beberapa kali pergantian Formasi, en kali ini apakah JAGAL bakalan lebih memantapkan sikap dengan formasi paling solid ??
Semoga aja formasi yang sekarang benar-benar bisa bertahan lama. Dimana sekarang kita mempunyai bassis baru (Didit, Ex-WAFAT).

Gw denger sendiri materi " Kronik Manipulasi" dan "Edukasi Sesat " rasanya lebih menendang dengan hasil yang lebih Mematikan jika dibandingin dengan " Monster Of Insanity ", apakah Sound & Style ini akan lebih JAGAL patenkan sebagai JAGAL Death Metal style ??
Terus terang hasil rekaman ke dua lagu tersebut sebenarnya juga masih kurang fix. Dan kami akan memperbaiki kwalitas sound saat merekam semua materi album terutama pada saat mixing.

tema lagu2 JAGAL ?? gimana pendapat JAGAL tentang Terrorisme ?? apakah itu cuman menjadi " kedok " aja dari Orang2 Berhaluan Keras dengan ambisi Sadisnya dengan Mengatas namakan agama aja ??
Setelah saya masuk, saya merubah semua patern lirik JAGAL yang sebelumnya lebih mengambil ke politik maupun sosial. Sekarang lebih apa yang saya rasakan dan saya lihat. Contoh nya Kronik Manipulasi dan Edukasi Sesat. Dan yang pastinya bukan soal "cinta" seperti band-band pop masa kini. Hahahahahahaha. Terrorisme? Wah.... Terrorisme harus dibersihkan sampai akar-akarnya. Kemungkinan besar itu hanya kedok dari orang-orang yang ngga punya rasa manusiawi. Semua agama kan ngga ngajarin untuk nyakitin seseorang.

kayaknya Scene Kita lagi demam dengan Gempuran Death Metal dengan Elemen Blasting Intense, apakah gaya seperti ini akan menjadi Fenomena yang semakin disukai untuk 2 - 3 tahun mendatang ?? en Gimana nich dengan Booming " Deathcore " yang semakin digilai Kancah metal dunia ?? apa JAGAL juga tertarik untuk memasukkan konsep " Booming " ini dalam Style JAGAL mendatang ?
Iya..... akhir-akhir ini terasa bahwa Death Metal dengan tipikal Blasting / Slam mulai marak lagi di Indonesia. Apa lagi band-band berbahaya seperti ASPHYXIATE sedang mempersiapkan album ke 2 mereka. Bisa jadi bertahan lama. Apa lagi sekarang banyak sekali band-band Death Metal seperti itu yang ngga asal "ngebut". Semua punya warna yang beragam dan musiknya juga bagus-bagus. Deathcore lagi booming menurut saya sah-sah aja sich. Toh itu juga sebuah perkembangan dari musik itu sendiri. Cuma klo disuruh merubah konsep dengan memasukan musik yang lagi booming, kelihatan ngga dech. Kita paten aja ama jenis musik kita sekarang.

Gw liat Lagi-lagi jadwal rekaman JAGAL mundur karena kalian memutuskan untuk menambah satu materi lagu baru. Koq sampai begitu ? apakah JAGAL menambahkan sebuah lagu yang memiliki Konsep Unik ato ... ??
Sebelumnya pada bulan Desember 2008 kita emang terbentur ama jadwal manggung. Akhirnya di undur bulan Februari..... eh malah mundur lagi karena harus bikin 1 materi lagu baru. Lagu baru ini menurut saya jauh berbeda dengan lagu lainnya tanpa meninggalkan konsep Death Metal itu sendiri. Dan rencana kami lagu ini akan dijadikan bonus track di album ke dua kita nanti, dan akan di kembangkan lagi pada album-album berikutnya dan seterusnya. Yang pasti kita berusaha untuk semakin baik dari sebelumnya.

en cerita dikit Bocoran Materi album ke-2 itu yang udah selesai tahap recordingnya. rencana album ini bakalan dirilis ma label mana ??
Rencana kita akan masuk studio untuk merekam semua materi pada awal bulan Mei 2009. Kita senang sudah ada tawaran dari salah satu Label Death Metal di Jakarta. Tapi kita juga belum memastikan untuk masuk disana. Jadi kalo materinya udah beres direkam dan siap untuk dijadikan sebuah album, baru kita akan pikir-pikir soal label.

ditanya tentang khabar Scene Death Metal Surabaya, Dimanakah Keganasan band2 Brutal Sebelum JAGAL, sebut aja WAFAT ( hello Edy !! ), BRAIN DAMAGE ( Hello Pipin ), PULVERIZER, CORPSE VOMIT ( Hello Tommy !! ), BRUTAL TORTURE ( Hello Voer !! ), FEAR INSIDE ( hello Nendy !! ), en lainnya, apakah mereka bakalan kembali meramaikan Kancah Death Metal surabaya menjadi semakin Berbahaya dengan Aksi selanjutnya dari mereka ?? ayo scene Surabaya adalah Scene Death metal terbaik jawa Timur !!!
Kebetulan WAFAT akan mengadakan sesi ulang tahun mereka ke 13 tahun pada tanggal 3 Mei 2009. Dan kabar baik lainnya dari scene Death Metal Surabaya bawha BRAIN DAMAGE dan BRUTAL TORTURE telah kembali aktif untuk memanaskan kancah musik Metal Surabaya dan Indonesia. Semoga dengan kembalinya band-band terdahulu, scene Death Metal Surabaya bisa kembali hidup seperti dulu. Dan berharap bisa semakin banyak generasi-generasi baru di scene Death Metal Surabaya.

cerita nich tentang JAGAL ikutan di Kompilasi BRUTALLY SICKNESS "Orgasm Mutilation", apakah Kompilasi ini masih memiliki taring dibandingin dengan Jilid sebelumnya ?? Mengingat saat ini banyak sekali beredar Kompilasi serupa, en Kriteria menurut JAGAL, Gimana tuh menurut kalian Kompilasi yang " Keren " ?? apakah kemasannya Wah, Distribusinya Besar, Band2nya Keren + Terkenal, Punya Reputasi pada Label yang merilis ato apa ??
Ya, kita senang sekali bisa berpartisipasi di kompilasi itu. Dari segi bobot atau taring seperti yang anda katakan, mungkin kompilasi BRUTALLY SICKNESS "Orgasm Mutilation" sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi. Namun saya yakin banyak yang penasaran dengan kompilasi ini. Karena kompilasi ini merupakan awal pergerakan atau kebangkitan ESP setelah vakum cukup lama. Taring yang sudah tumpul seakan diasah kembali untuk menjadi tajam.

Ngomong2 gimana tentang pengalaman manggung JAGAL ?? so pasti ada yang mengesankan plus Menyedihkan seperti yang JAGAL beritakan dalam situs resmi JAGAL, kalo penampilan JAGAL di Purwosari sangat mengecewakan karena kesalahan besar yang JAGAL perbuat ? Why Boss ?? apakah kalian lupa Pake celana Dalam ato Mabuk berat ??
Ya, acara di Purwosari saya pribadi tentunya sangat malu sekali. Apa lagi saat itu kita sepanggung dengan FUNERAL INCEPTION dan terutama dengan penonton maupun pantia yang udah ngundang kita. Kita tidak sempat mengecek alat-alat kita. alhasil gitar yang kita bawa putus senarnya diatas panggung saat akan menggeber lagu pertama. Alhasil kita harus pakai gitar panggung. Cukup membantu di lagu pertama. Namun setelah masuk di awal lagu kedua, senar gitar panggung ikutan putus. Akhirnya kita memakai gitar panggung satu nya lagi. Dan ini titik kekecewaan dimana gitar tersebut tidak bisa memenuhi karakter sound kita. Alhasil sound gitar tidak keluar. Semoga hal seperti ini tidak terulang lagi oleh kita.

Rekomendasi New Comer band2 Death Metal Indonesia yang JAGAL anggap berbahaya untuk Hari depan ??
Band-band baru Death Metal Indonesia rata-rata berbahaya. Dan mempunyai ciri khas masing-masing.

Rencana Kedepan en Terdekat Buat JAGAL saat ini ??
Semoga kita bisa menyelesaikan album ke dua tahun ini juga.

Ok Boss Makasih udah mau Luangkan waktu buat Interview Konyol kampungan ala gw he he he, yang pasti sebagai band penjagal Poser Metal, ada ga Kata2 terakhir terkejam yang pernah terbesit di otak kalian namun belum terealisasi sampai sekarang ??
Kata terkejam, emm..... "Sedot bang..... Kena gigi uang kembali". Hahahahahahahaha. Kita juga ngucapin terimakasih buat bos Herry dan seluruh staff LOST IN CHAOS untuk interview ini. Sukses selalu untuk kalian semua.

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Interview With KRIG ( Brazil )

Update 26-04-2009 Interview By Herry SIC

Krig Was Formed in January 2007 Belo Horizonte City. Lyrics deal with social, environmental, and Christian issues. Leaded by Isaque Soares "FOF, Mercy, Unnamed, Apeiron, former Sabbatariam". After he recorded a few songs he invited old band member Daniel, "FOF, Mercy, Unnamed and ex- Sabbatariam lead vocalist ". In May 2007, Phillippe (Mercy and Unnamed Leader, ex-Sabbatariam) and Junior (Feel Burning Inside) joined the band. In November 2007 Krig released their debute album entitled "Feed Me", which won the top 10 album of the year at the web site Metal Blessing In February 2008 Jully joined the band as bassist. In April 2008 krig released their 2nd album entitled "Stop the Manipulation", featuring Luke Renno from band Crimson Thorn. In August 2008 Vinicios Soares replaced Junior as Drummer. 1st march 2009 krig released their 3rd album Target: Human, Mission: Destroy.

Answered By by Isaque ( Guitar ) and Daniel ( Vocals )

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the KRIG camp?
The current line up is Vinicius Soares - Drums, Jully Soares - Bass, Isaque Soares - Guitar and Daniell Corpse - Vocals

First time, congratulation for new 3rd Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Target: Human Mission: Destroy ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Work with NH Records Release? . How The Label manage some concerning promotion (ads, interviews, Gigz, ), CD packaging and so on? as very well ??
Peoples reaction could not be better, we have been receiving excellent reviews around the world, certainly this is the most mature job and it has cause very impact by Krig. Currently the band is on hold for shows, we are only advertising the new cd and selling our products. Just to let things clear, we want mention that the NH is not our label, but they have given a great support for us, selling our CDs, shirts and spreading the band in North America and Europe.

How would you compare " Target: Human Mission: Destroy " to your previous releases, Like " Feed me " 2007 or " Stop the Manipulation " Ep 2008 ? Honesty Im very surprised with " Stop the Manipulation " Ep 2008 " Stuff til now, Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far?
I believe the Feed and STM are great albums and I have no doubt that this albums are responsible to the level the band reached out today. We can say that the new album is a mixture of the two previous albums, but with something extra, besides the graphics and sound production there are our best songs and they are much more mature since from the battery to the voice. The final result of this album was much and was better than we expected. Without any doubt in our opinion this is the best album that we record nowadays.

Now that the album is out in the market, what's the next thing you have in mind? Are there major concerts to look forward to, or probably, a follow-up release? It seems like the debut new CD “Target: Human Mission: Destroy ” on 2009 has been received rather well. What was the best review you’ve had and which one was the worst?
So far we have no plan for the future, which we are concerned that at the moment is promoting this new album. Yes we have received great critical and yes I must be honest; we have not seen a rev
iew that was negative.

in spite of these line-up jumbles, the great music of the band is scarcely affected. How is this made possible? Was there any instance that maybe one of you did not approve of the turn-out of a release?
When a member has left the Krig we look for filling that position with another member which has the same ability writing and playing as the old member, I believe that is why the songwriting do not yield fell. Yes, when we think that songwriting is not good it may not come to our album, we have a number of songs that were not in the cds, we always do a pre production of the material and see how if look like then we decide if the music is good to make part of the CD.

Great Work Female Player Here, Julia "Jully" Soares is More Pretty Face to Imaging Death Metal band Member, Julia "Jully" Soares are Totally Enjoy with it ?? what's Jully Age Now ??
R: Yes, she is. She likes playing death metal and listening to death metal bands. She is 21 now.

How did the recording process go? Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen? You tired yet of the comments about the drums’ placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?
The recording process even I thought it was tiring, it was fast and quiet, there was not anything so spectacular, anyway we had other terrible experiences (laughs).
Always take place some nice thing in the recording, like some solo that we hate or the voice with something that is very funny, we always take these versions.

Also, do you guys write more song material than you eventually use on the albums or do you only write a certain number of songs and refine them until you’re all satisfied with them? Furthermore, since you tour so much: does most of the song writing happen on the road or do you guys really jump into the rehearsal room and jam?
We make more songs than we actually put in cd, we have many lyrics, even it will be used or not. The compositions are generally made by a member, then we get together to make some jingle, anway we usually not compose on the road.

" Target: Human Mission: Destroy " is Mostly Release, How working this Material , are you satisty for This ending?
Totally yes, this is without doubt the best material we have released ever for us throughout our career. We are totally satisfied with the final result of recording in all aspects.

Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on “ Target: Human Mission: Destroy ” are your favorite tracks?
Daniel - I think it is hard to say which is better, I like every songs, but I think if I have to choose which ones I like most are it You'll Be Hated, Politicians in Pigsty, Fast Food Fatality and Brutality.
Isaque- I like are Mercenary pastor, My intestine is displayed and Fast Food.

With a existence since 2007, how do you see KRIG in the years to come? Would there be any possibility of a genre shift? Please tell us more of your future plans.
Actually we have no concrete plan for Krig, we are not worried about what will happen, we are more concerned with the new release and dissemination of this new cd. But something we can say we are making some little plans to record an EP maybe next year.

Which of all your albums is your favorite, and if any, which one do you like least? Could you also name at least five of your favorite albums of all time?
My favorite album is certainly Target: Human, Mission: Destroy, even I cannot say the one I like least I really like STM and Feed me they are at the same level for me.
The top 5 best albums.
Unearthed - Crimson Thorn
Scrolls of The of Meggiloth - Mortification
When Satan's Live - Deicide
Skin Stripper - Vomitorial
Weapons of Our Warfaer - Deliverance

My favorite of krig is THMD
My favorite album is undoubtedly THMD
The top 5 best albums.
Pathogenic Ocular dissonance - Tourniquet
Master of puppets - Metallica
Undeceived - Extol
Scrolls of The Meggiloth - Mortification
Live to Die - Bride

How are Death metal Movement on Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil scene for Now ?? How are About some Band There like Sabbatariam, Apeiron, Mercy, Crimson Thorn, Axehead Inc., Altruist, , Unnamed, Feel Burning Inside, and More ?? keepin killer with have more horrify band there ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil scene to day and future ??
The death metal movement is stable here in BH, we have nothing exiting happening here.
Sabbatariam - The band is still active, and is currently working on new material
Apeiron - The band is inactive, possibly no return
Mercy is also inactive who takes care of this band is the former guitarist of Krig Phillippe
Crimson Thorn - I have no news of the CT, but the band has done shows
Unnamed - Also is a project led by Phillippe, I have no news about status of the band
Feel Burning Inside - Was the band of our former drummer, now I do not know the status of the band.

Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as KRIG, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?
I like bands as Whitechapel and Impending doom, but these bands reached a point where they are all copying each others; they lost their identity, so I am leaving to listen to those bands. But there are many good bands spread in the underground scene. Currently, This good bands are Becoming The Archetype, Ocean, Waking The Cadaver, Suicide Silence, Despised Icon. Anyway I don’t like this bands to the point of doing a cover of them, to do it I prefer cover old bands as believer, deliverance, mortification and so on.

Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I’ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let’s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you’ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!
Thanks for the opportunity to Krig in your page, I hope that this page have many fruits.
To the fans we let hugs and thanks for everything you have done for us.
Stay in peace. Stay brutal!

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Interview With Aaargghh ( Jakarta, Indonesia )

Interview With AAARGHHH ( Jakarta )
Interviewed By Herry SIC

( taken from LIC # 14 issue ) Dijawab oleh Igore ( Vokills )

Ok, Gimana Khabar AAARGHHH hari ini nich, ada sesuatu yg mungkin lagi baru or mo di kerjain saat ini?? Trus kegiatan elo sendiri lagi ngapain aja nich Gore?? Masih jadi rutinitas-kah dalam keseharian elo atau elo malah punya alasan2 lain yg perlu loe ungkapin disini, bebas koq..he..he…
Igore : Hai..Hail to all freaky! Kami smua kabarnya lagi ok-ok aja ! selalu mencoba meluangkan waktu untuk ngumpul dan melakukan beberapa latihan. Gua sendiri sekarang selain ngumpul dan latihan, lagi nyari job untuk nyari beberapa tambahan masukan.

rasanya kurang Afdol kalau Interview ini nggak di mulai dengan History singkat terbentuknya AAARGHHH
ini, so jadi Kewajiban nich buat elo geber di sini!! En sebutin formasi terakhir dari band ini untuk saat sekarang en yang akan datang! Terus gimana tuh arti " sebenernya " dari nama AAARGHHH ini menurut elo en semuanya?? Ada makna terkhusus di sini? Trus kalau nggak salah ada band Luar negeri sono yg tergolong juga udah bangkotan make nama band " AAARGHHH " ini, iya nggak?? Bisa kasih informasi nich about it?? Tentang apalah itu arti sebuah nama band yg cukup Idealis??
Igore : wah..ehm..hystoricnya ! ceritanya lumanyan jauh dan panjang..but kita singkat aja…awalnya
semua ditahun1994-an yang walhasil waktu itu dapat mengumpulkan 4 member ,kalo nggak salah! dan sampai ke tahun 1997 dengan 5 membernya band ini memiliki album pertama"brutal psycho mystical grind" cukup luar biasa ditahun itu. Namun band ini pecah terbagi-bagi sebagian member keluar dengan alasan masingx2 dan ada yang membentuk band sendiri kalo nggak salah lagi ! DELIRIUM TREMENS dan grindbuto! Dan ditahun 1998 hanya menyisahkan 1member saja yaitu J'meel - gitars..yang kemudian berhasil berkolaborasi dengan beberapa player lainnya yang antara lain salahsatu personil ROH - kautzar pada drum. Bersamaan dengan itu pula terjadi pergantian member..disini bass-robertus dan gua sendiri ikut berkolaborasi. Dengan member yang ada kita sempat melakukan tour sufferrealized to northsumatra2000 yang sebelumnya ditahun 1999 sudah
melakukan record lagi -"second arise"ep. Namun dipertengahan tahun 2001 dengan alasan suatu hal yang lebih penting harus dilakukan dengan berat hati drummer kami meninggalkan band ini. Dengan tidak putus asa kita semua berusaha mencari pengganti ,akhirnya kita temukan orangnya. Jadi personil AAARGHHH; ieyansen-drums ,robertus-bass ,j'meel-gitars gan gua sendiri vox. Kami ditahun 2002 tepatnya juli kemarin sempat merecord ulang 'second arise' + 1 lagu baru yang judulnya second arise juga. Makna khusus…ahh..nggaklah biar gampang buat disebut juga diingat aja ! dan kalo memang pernah mendengar nama band ini dari overseas scene..bisalah kasih info ke kami!

AAARGHHH boleh gue bilang adalah band paling tua di scene Jakarta, gimana tuh koq bisa ampe bertahan begitu lama, yach walau AAARGHHH juga pernah melakukan Reformasi dengan para Member-nya secara Besar-besaran di sini, gimana tuh resepnya?? Sementara yg gue banyak tau banyak band yg nggak bertahan lama dengan formasinya, apakah factor Idealis serta egoisme jadi Dominan di sini??
Igore : band tua ! tapi kami membernya masih fresh-fresh nich..he! resepnya..gimana, men
yach…sebernarnya hanya masalah existensi mungkin dari tiap member harus ada visinya ngapain dia di ug…trus mo openminded !dan kalo yang nggak tahan lama ..yach mungkin bisa jadi ego + idealis yang dominan disini.

Trus gimana khabar para Ex. Member AAARGHHH yg pernah ikut berpartisipasi era album demo pertama kalian dulu ( "Brutal Psycho mystical Grind " )?? Trus gimana Pendistribusiannya sampai saat ini?? Serta Komentar/Review dari berbagai Public Metal-nya?
Igore : kabarnya !! yach mogax2 ok-ok aja…dan beberapa masih tetap exist. Sedikit banyak mreka punya andil sebelum yang lain join di band ini.. now we just can say Thanxz for all your total support..but it's must still exist! Soal distribusinya do it ourself system dan titip edar ,sekarang masih tersedia untuk last stock 100pcs..mungkin bung herry tertarik ataw yang lainnya ! kontak aza langsung ke kami ataw bisa juga order ke edelweiss production juga local distro dikota kalian! Komentar public metal ttg album bpmg ?! kami kira lumayan bagus responnya buat yang original recordnya..tidak untuk yang bajakan ! mungkin bung herry bisa kasih waktu buat ngereview album bpmg itu lagi ?

Tentang Ep " Second arise " yg gue belum banyak tau, Gimana tuh Tentang proses pengerjaannya?? Tentang puas serta tidaknya tentu jadi factor yg asyik untuk di kemukakan secara jujur di sini?? Apakah menurut loe ada perubahan jika di bandingin dengan Demo pertama? ( Tentang Sound en style Music-nya ), elo kayaknya musti wajib cerita dech!
Igore : 'second arise'ep itu terdiri dari 2 songs from bpmg album+2new songs (in 1st recordd) and 3new songs (in 2nd record). Kita rekam semua itu dengan oneway record system alias live on track. Dan kita cukup puas sama hasilnya namun semua itu nggak terlepas dari pembenahan materi lagu untuk yang selanjutnya.

kalau nggak salah kalo AAARGHHH itu pada musical style pengen mengkombinasikan Death metal
Klasik dengan Modern metal, Gimana tuh? Cerita juga dong Beberapa band yg banyak mempengaruhi AAARGHHH secara musikalitas serta gaya music-nya! Trus apakah kalian juga tertarik dengan Hyper blast brutal death metal yg saat ini kayaknya sedang Booming-nya??
Igore : maksud kami.. mengkombinasikan musik deathmetal classic seperti SLAYER,MORBID
ANGEL,SEPULTURA sampai ke modern metal seperti CYNIC,LIQUIDTENSION,CRYPTOPSY yang laju perkembangan corak musiknya bertambah seiring dengan waktu. Untuk pengaruh musik itu kami sepertinya relatif selagi itu music's veryvery welcome!dan soal hyper itu sendiri…asik juga tertarik sih ada..namun sementara waktu kami harus bisa puas lagi sama yang sudah ada pada kami.

Cerita juga dong tentang Isi lagu2 AAARGHHH secara mendasar di Ep " Second Arise ", apa sich yg elo maksudkan sebagai ' Kebangkitan ke-2 " kalinya di sini, apakah itu termasuk Orientasi secara Spesifik tema lagu2 di sini?? Cerita dech satu-persatu lagunya!
Igore : 'second arise'ep secara mendasar kami ingin sedikit banyak menyampaikan…'jangan kita semua pernah menyerah untuk segala sesuatu yang baik' bangkit dan bangkit dari segalanya,lah1 strungle dan keep strungle! Dan untuk lagux2nya sedikit banyak memang nyambung satu sama lainnya…seperti 'eviliturgy'…jelas disini satanic worship we've got here! 'Demons remain' it's mean sisa-sisa iblis yang senantiasa tersisa dalam sisi kehipuan manusia…'Be…gods' + 'if I die' kita semua pasti ngerti apalah itu artinya! Sampai ke 'second arise' itu sendiri.

Gimana nich tentang opini elo tentang yg namanya " Major label " yg dunia musik luas menyebutnya sebagai " Serigala raksasa " dalam Industri Musik, seperti yg gue baca dalam Biograpy kalian yg kayaknya anti banget ama yg satu ini, padahal banyak sekarang band2 Brutal underground metal yg bergabung dengan label2 metal yg udah tergolong major label, semisal NUCLEAR BLAST,RELAPSE,REPULSE,MORBID yg udah tergolong major label itu, banyak lagi band2 tsb itu terlalu di Doktrin untuk menuruti " laju pasar " menuju jenjang " Out sale ", gimana tuh menurut elo?? Nggak usah jauh-jauh dech, kalau di INA sendiri ada TENGKORAK,BETRAYER,PURGATORY,GRAUSIG etc yg menurut opini mereka itu ( para band-nya ) adalah langkah yg bagus untuk maju, so gimana tuh komentar pribadi elo tentang ini??
Igore : thanxs bung herry yg merespon baik utk promobiografy kecil kami itu !thanxs ,dude! 'asik gila'…ichh ngerriii!ha..ha it's ok-ok aja,men good selagi band major itu nggak
ngerasa dirugiin di segala hal sama label mreka itu!..ini sepertinya cuma masalah status aja
kayaknya!…band X itu ini major ataw nggak?major ataw indie? Iya nggak?! Memang kalo band X itu sudah berkutat sekian lama dan akhirnya bisa menembus major dengan 99% idealism mereka itu…so intense ,men! Dan soal label yang bung herry sebut2x itu…mungkin masih tergolong indiependent…tapi kalo dilihat dari kacamata Ina itu sudah major…indielabel diluarsana sudah bisa kita sebut ke scope label major but worlwide has six BIGGEST record COMPANY; BMG music ,CBS record ,MCA ,POLYGRAM record ,EMI and WARNER. Itu dia yang bisa kita sebut sebagai 'rajanya serigala industri musik dunia' …Naras: national academy of recording art & scienes dan itu smua perhaps parts of riaa: the recording industry association of america….wahh..ngerriii,men!

trus gimana opini elo juga tentang perkembangan Media fanzine Underground kayak gini saat ini?? Rasanya gue banyak amati sekarang, kalau beberapa fanzine udah pada Gulung tikar alias udah Ko'it atau Nggak aktif, gue juga nggak tau, dari sini lalu ada fenomena, Anak metal di INA rasanya pada enggan untuk mengkonsumsinya, mereka milih main musik total tanpa sebuah pengetahuan tentang metal saat ini, yg akhirnya selalu nggak nyambung kalau di ajak ngomong, gimana tuh Gore??
Igore : wah..sepertinya pesat tuh!..namun utk memperjuangkan existensi dari media itu susah banget! Kalo kamu bilang ada fenomena itu..kuranglebih tepat! Why I can say that's..cause gua sendiri dulu pernah buat hal semacam itu dan juga sebagai bagian dari para reader !..daya baca ug'ers kita masih lemah kita mungkin harus akui itu. Nach..mungkin utk mensiasatinya ada sebagiana media itu yang mengkolaborasi hal-hal birahi agar daya lihat dan baca ug'ers itu naik!!! Yang..naik..malah kemaluannya…haaa..he.. but nggak apalah kalau itu untuk sementara bisa merangsang para ug'ers. Padahal dari magzine ug itu yang pasti kita bisa dapat banyak info about ug itu sendiri!..yach..jadi mulai sekarang coba kita rajin baca-bacalah!!

Mengenai perkembangan underground di Jakarta saat ini gimana?? Masihkah seramai tahun kemaren atau justru malah sebaliknya?? Juga tentang Event U/G yg saat ini sering di adakan namun sepi audience, dgn factor yg bermacam-macam dengan problem yg satu ini, ayoo cerita dong gore, mungkin elo tau banyak dech! Oh ya rekomendasiin dong band2 jakarta juga INA yg masih aktif serta perlu di waspadai keberadaannya dalam scene INA ini!!
Igore : still ug,men growth slowly but it's surely. Buat eventx2nya sendiri kadangx2 bisa 'menggila'
sampai-sampai ada tabloid nasinal yang ikutan nimbrung + support dieventx2 itu! Soal ramai ataw sepi …yang pasti pasar ataw mal dipastikan ramai apalagi menjelang akhir pekan..he..he sepi audience untuk yang satu ini gua nggak tau banyak nich..soalnya kalo ada event ug gua sama kawan yang lain pernah kebagian 'jabatan' dan itu sebagai stage crew dan security yang dialami j'meel di event total noise beberapa tahun yang lalu so…sorry nich kalo soal sepi nggaknya mungkin perannya dipegang sama bag. humas kali yach.

Sebutin 10 faforite album Brutal terbaik elo sepanjang masa ini ( INA juga Overseas! ) juga komentar elo tentang band2 brutal yg baru mencuat akhir2 ini macam : SEVERED SAVIOR,DECREPIT BIRTH,MISERY INDEX,BRUTUS,CORPSE FUCKING ART,etc!! atau elo ada rekomendasi sendiri yg lain?? Sebutin dech!
Igore :
1.thrash generation- EARACHE
2.brutalpsychomysticalgrind- AAARGHHH
3.deicide- DEICIDE
4.robot titanic- ZULOT down fall- TERRORIZER
6.dimensi kematian- EDELWEISS the name of hate- MALICIOUS HATE
8.brutallysickness- EXTREMESOULS
9.symphonies of sickness- CARCASS
terakhir second arise ep-AAARGHHH.

Kegiatan lain anak2 AAARGHH yg lain selain main di AAARGHHH?? Apakah menurut elo dunia musik Extreme metal gini di INA dapat di jadikan Sebagai Mata Pencaharian Hidup??
Igore : ehmm..kami semua disini sedikit banyak ada bisnis tambahan…drummer kami bantu
keluarganya, bassis kami nyibukin diri juga sambil ngelarin kuliahnya yang nggak ada ujungnya..(kasihan dah lo..jadi simpati smua tang ada di AAARGHHH!)…begitu juga sama gua dan j'meel terus nyari masukan tambahan! Mungkin suatu waktu kami bisa menhidupi band kami yang mendapat masukan dari band ini sendiri..dari band untuk band ,mungkin!

Sebutin 10 type cewek yg bener2 buat elo jadi di bikin " manis " bahkan semanis-manisnya..ha..ha..( Stupid Question! ),Juga Personil yg lain!! Gimana tuh komentar elo, seandainya elo di tawari kontrak buat sebuah Film Porno dengan lawan main, elo Boleh pilih : Jihan Fahira, Tia Ivanka, Sarah ashari, Ayu ashari atau Shinta Bella ( MC-nya " Sik-Asik " ),ayooo jawab gore!! Ha..ha….
Igore : cewexs kami masingx2 ,mungkin ! Ehmmmm ahhhh ahhh…tawaran maen film BF ich
ngerri…mustahil lagi ..nggak mungkin ..soalnya kemaluan orang INA nggak ada yang gede..!! padahal kalo nggak salah ,gede itu salah satu syaratnya!ha..ha...ha

Rencana selanjutnya dari AAARGHHH untuk yg akan datang! Sebutin or bocorin dech tentang lagu2 terbaru kalian yg akan siap di rilis nanti!!
Igore : latihan + ngumpul….dan juga bakal ngeluarin album di tahun 2004.

apakah igore tau tentang Blitar Underground Community scene?? Tentang Band2-nya,Fanzine,label,atau Individu yg elo kenal sebelumnya??
Igore : belum tuh! Soalnya belum kami belum pernah ke Blitar sana! tau juga palingx2 seperti FETID records ,DETRUKSI MATA HATI records ,INFECTION CORPSES, GONORAHOEA -raw tape records but it's surely sick boy! ,out the nation nl juga LOST IN CHAOS tentunya! So buat semua ug'ers khususnya Blitar yang suka mailing bebasx2 aza kontak ke kami asal ada prangko balasannya-sure to be replayed! Please & welcome! Ok it's all my pleasure!

Your Last Words!!!
Igore : Thanxs buat lost in chaos who has fate on us, thanxs ,Her! To all ug'ers KEEP READ ,KEEP


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Interview 5 Star Grave ( Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy )

Update 12-03-2009 Interview By Herry SIC
Answered By Claudio Ravinale - Vocals & Andrea Minolfi - Bass, Vocals

Hello! First, so who is currently situated in the 5 STAR GRAVE camp?

Andrea: Hi, there are Claudio (lycan voice), Thierry and Alessandro (guitars), Herve' (synth), Gabriele
(drums) and me, Andrea (bass guitar and raven voice). Andalso some bottles of beer. Claudio: without forgetting the dead girls we hide in the cellar near the rehearsal room...

Still I do not Understand about 5 STAR GRAVE Mean this Now, can You Tell me Littleit ?? why Change from GROUND ZERO to 5 STAR GRAVE ??

Claudio: Well, playin' extreme rock 'n' roll and bein' an horror influenced band we searched for something
horror-related but funny at the same time to represent us properly. We all liked the idea of a casket deluxe and decided to use it instead of our old name.

First time, congratulation for new Cd has be released for Now, and How have people reacted to " Corpse Breed Syndrome ", and what is the band doing now? are you satisfied with Great Independent Release? Why Choosing It ? I Know Much Label Outhere For Release Great Stuff Like " Corpse Breed Syndrome ". How To manage some concerning promotion (ads, interviews, Gigz, ), CD packaging and so on? Are 5
STAR GRAVE Busy with it ??
Andrea: We are really busy with this band. Playin' live, writin' new stuff, managing social networks we're involved (MySpace, Facebook and so on), answerin' to interviews... Claudio: we chose to be independent simply because we don't need a label right now...the feedback has been quite good, narrowminded assholes didn't like it, but people that love good music really appreciated our effort.

How would you compare " Corpse Breed Syndrome " to your previous Music Concept, Was the final product exactly as you had in mind? What's new in this album in terms of production and composition? What feedback are you getting so far?

Claudio: A natural evolution of our sound, with "The Zero Hour" we moved our first steps in different
directions, with our new record we focused on a single direction and started to rush towards it... Now we know how we want to sound and have the skills to do it properly.

Now that the album is out in the market, what's the next thing you have in mind? Are there major concerts to look forward to, or probably, a follow-up release? It seems like the debut new CD ?Corpse Breed Syndrome ? on 2008 has been received rather well. What was the best review you?ve had and which one was the worst?

Andrea: well, I dislike reviews where we are considered as "children" of Children Of Bodom or clones of
this band. Instead, I like reviews where the writer recognize rock and punk elements in our music.Claudio: honestly I don't give a fuck about reviews, for me the only opinion that matters about everything Concerning this band is ours, all the rest is simply bullshit.

in spite of these line-up jumbles, the great music of the band is scarcely affected. How is this made
possible? Was there any instance that maybe one of you did not approve of the turn-out of a release?
Claudio: well we are a very democratic band... even too much! ahah sometimes we lose a shitload of
time discussin' almost everything... when we disagree about something we simply vote and the option that gets most votes goes ahead while the other goes down the drain (or in the cellar with the dead bodies of the girls I was talkin' about at the beginnin' of the interview).

How did the recording process go? Did anything unusual and/or spectacular happen? You tired yet of the comments about the drums? placement in the final mix? Did you have the final call on the final mix?

Andrea: we enjoied a lot during the recording process. Daniele Giordana has become a good friend of us
after a couple of hours we entered in the studio and we had a good time together. Every choice we made in this album has been taken by ourselves: Daniele just gave us good advices, but in the end we always said the last words. Then in the mix process Ettore Rigotti worked in a more independent way, but we share our ideas and we got "Corpse Breed Syndrome" in that way. Yes, we are definetely satisfied with this record.

Also, do you guys write more song material than you eventually use on the albums or do you only write a certain number of songs and refine them until you?re all satisfied with them? Furthermore, since you tour so much: does most of the song writing happen on the road or do you guys really jump into the rehearsal room and jam?

Andrea: there are no rules. We wrote, and then, when we think we're ready to get into the studio, we
simply analyze all together which songs will be on the album. Claudio: bein' on the road is a pain in the ass after a while, it's nice to see new places but I need to come back to the cellar with the company of the dead to write new stuff from now to then for not losing my mental sanity...

" Corpse Breed Syndrome " is Mostly Release, How working this Material , I see some Touching EthnicMelodic Rock Heavy Metal every where, but this Nice Stuff for Headbanging, Some Part Remind for Children Of Bodom, In Flames, Cradle Of Filth, and Maybe some Avenged Sevenfold Era " City Of Evil ", are you Deal with Me ?? or othe just Describe this Music Style??
Andrea: I just think we're a heavy metal band. There's some punk, there's some rock, there's some pop,
there's some electronic... But in the end, this is just heavy metal. Claudio: "horror music"? "extreme rock'n'roll"? "aggressive pop"? it's all the same for me, music is music, call us "long haired punks from hell" and everything will be just fine

Often musicians have their pet songs or own fave tunes on their albums. What song(s) on ?Corpse Breed Syndrome ? are your favorite tracks?

Andrea: Maybe "Ain't That Saint" and "Violands". But I love play live "Backstabber".
With a decade of existence, how do you see 5 STAR GRAVE in the years to come? Would there be any possibility of a genre shift? Please tell us more of your future plans. Andrea: there are no scheduled plans. Just doin' live shows and writin' new songs. Claudio: older&balder and fuckin' girls half my age

Which of all your albums is your favorite, and if any, which one do you like least? Could you also name at
least five of your favorite albums of all time?
Andrea: "Rust In Peace" (Megadeth), "South Of Heaven" (Slayer), "Amok" (Sentenced), "The Division
Bell" (Pink Floyd), "Melody AM" (Royksopp). But it could change in a couple of minutes.

How are metal Movement on Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy scene for Now ?? How are About Band I Know like Disarmonia Mundi ?? How about High recommend for new comer band from Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy scene to day and future ??

Andrea: There are many bands in our area, from rock to death. Obiouvsly Disarmonia Mundi is the most
important, but Stigma is having also a good success.

Of the emerging bands today playing similar craft as 5 STAR GRAVE, which ones do you like best and who would be your top pick to do a cover of one of your songs? Which bands do you think will make it big one of these days? Would you like to share any advice to them?

Andrea: I don't know many bands similar to 5 Star Grave... Personally, I'd love to cover a Slayer song,
maybe "The Antichrist" or "South Of Heaven". Claudio: I'd love to cover some stuff from Billy Idol or Alice Cooper... Honestly can't think about anyone that sounds like us.

Well, this Fuckin interviews can be very nice too and on that note I?ll conclude this one. Thanks for doing this little digital tea chat Mail and let?s hope our webzine will still be around for whatever next band release you?ll be on haha. keep existing for extreme metal flames forever !!

Claudio: tnx for your time, take care!

* Check More Complete Interview & Picture

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